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How to Display Lyrics on VLC Media Player 2013


Hi guys I'm posting about VLC media player for show songs or video Lyrics when you play. VLC media player is do not display the lyrics of songs.Everybody want to know what is the lyric of the song. In this post I will tell you how can you get the lyrics of the song I'm sure that this will become a helpful post for you . Mini lyrics is a lyrics plugin for VLC and all Media Player and it can download and display lyrics automatically. to know how to setup mini lyrics in your media player follow the steps.

Download mini Lyrics from this link
Install mini lyrics in your PC. you need to choose VLC media player
After installing open your VLC media player and go to tools and preference.
after clicking preference in the left side below show setting click on all and go o interface mark on Mini Lyric - Auto display lyrics for current playing song and click on save you are done.

Note : Lyrics will show but for song's first time your net have to connected 

I hope this post was helpful 4 u(^_^)
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