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Way to get Google Adsense approval easily 2013-14


Google Absense is an Add program started by Google in 2008. It allows you to add advertisements on your websites and make some profit from Google and your website. With Google Absense you can make some money from your site and It attract user to update their websites regularly and make it more popular by their articles.

Peoples who thinking  for a online job and mak some money Google adsense is one of the best ideas to earn money and job. In 2008 when Google Adsense started, It was very easy to get approval from Google but in current time it is not an easy task to get approval from Google Adsense. Over time Google's new absence security police regarding the Adsense approval. There are millions of users who send request to Google Adsense for an approval but lots of request rejected by Google with some reasons. when you sends request to Google Adsense for an approval, they replies you like below massage.
The massage Looks like


Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we're unable to accept you into AdSense at this time.

We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.

Insufficient content
- Minimum age requirement
- Copyrighted material 

It is only an example the reasons could be different. But a common reason is copyright material.

As I already told you avobe that Google Adsense is not a very task but it is not very difficult also, but if you want to approve Google Adsense for your blog you must keep in mind some of following tips wherever you post articles on your Blog. 

Copyright material :-  This is a common reason, I always advise you to never copyright from other blogs and websites. because Google police is very strict about it, Wright your own articles make sure that you never copy Pictures from Google Images make your own, Do not link directly linked to copyright materials and also not use music and videos.

Visitors :- This is one of the major topic. Your blog must have almost 1000 visitors per day for approval in Google adsense, If you have low numbers visitors like 100,200,400 so it will not approve, so before you request for adsense make sure that your blog have a large number of visitors. for a large number of visitors you should make cool designs and make your blog attractive, Like use good quality of templates, Improve your writing etc.  

Articles for Hacking :-  Never post any article related with hacking or giving any idea of hacking it is not a god topic for your blog, because Google is very strict about hacking, so if you wanna approval never post hacking Ideas if will better for your blog.

Length of articles :- Make sure that your article is long like above 400 to 600 Don't write small articles like 50 to 200 words. you have a advantage of large articles you got more visitors if you write long articles and your blog will popular.

Required minimum posts :- Before request for Adsense approval keep in mind that that number of total posts on your blog is above 40. Google is not specify the large number of posts for Google Adsense but as I know your blog should have 40 to 50 posts.

Your site old? :- This is the one of the major topic that how old is your site. Your website needs to be at last 3 months old before you request for Google Adsense approval, And if your website is not an original then you have to wait for 6 month for approval. There are some peoples who get approval in 2-3 months but it is a risk so must wait and let old your site.

Post type :- Write your post helpful, entertaining, and attractive. write post related to your blog tittle, do not use Pornographic Content because Google never review those blogs witch have porn related contents. Before you write any article think an idea that how tour article will and write your article step by step. Make your posts large and different type. So always keep in mind a good type of posts.  

if you have failed first trial Do not use different emails :- If you requested for Google Adsense  approval and failed for first time means if you failed in first trial so never change your email address it makes more complicated. You need to use the same email Id before continue the process, and use your email address.

Read Google terms and conditions and follow, and a very special note about Adsense program will be very helpful. Must cheak it by clicking this link

Google Adsense is not only the way of online making money there are other alternatives for google Adsense Like Infolinks, Chitika, Clicksor, Kontera, Yahoo etc but Google is best. The all tips given above are way of approval of Google Adsense. Always keep in mind those all tips. I wish that you get an adsense approval early. All the best :)  
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  1. Hi! First of all nice tip :)
    But as a blogger we should remember that getting approved in adsense doesn really mean earning good amount of money! Firstly to earn some sufficient amount of money from Blog then we need traffic and most importantly original self written USEFUL contents! When we have those we have traffic ~ With traffic getting approved in adsense is a mins away :)

    1. yeh thanks for comment and all the best.

  2. nice post but this blog itself doesnt have adsense... why is that? little golu

    1. lOl coz i dont have time now for bloging but ill get it soon i cave my 12th exams :3

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